Curr Weather in U.S. units

Last AWS observation at the MVOBSV  updated every 5 min.

Date Time last update 27/4/2024 08:10
Weather condition Nessun fenomeno - No significant weather
Temperature 47.8F
max 47.8F
min 40.5F
Dew Point 40.3F
Humidity 75 %
Average wind speed  Gust (current) 0 Mph 0 Mph
Wind direction (degrees) 51
Today's max gust 0.0 mph
Sea Level barometer 30.112 inches
Today's Rainfall 0.00 inches
Consecutative days with no rain 0
Current rain episode duration, minutes 0 min.
Month rain total in inches 3.09 inches
Year rain total in inches 24.83 inches
Solar energy (W/M2) 378 W/m2